Teaching Perinatal Professionals how to support families during and after stillbirth & miscarriage.

Leading the way…

in Stillbirth & Miscarriage Education for Doulas, Therapists, Nurses, Community Health Workers and more!

Vallen is a Postpartum Doula, Early Motherhood Expert, Pregnancy Loss Educator, Podcast Host and writer. 

She works hard to stop the use of trigger warnings in regards pregnancy loss because it perpetuates the shame, guilt, and isolation that bereaved parents already carry.

She is a champion for loss moms and dads and works to normalize stillbirth and miscarriage so that they feel safe enough to speak up and share their stories and perhaps be able to help someone else.

I never want a bereaved parent to feel alone in their grief journeys and one way to do this is to make sure they have a community they can count on for support.

She does this by providing compassionate support, beautifully crafted resources, and safe spaces for conversations on her podcast.

The podcast helps shed light on the often taboo subject of pregnancy loss. She offers guidance to bereaved families by sitting with them in their grief and helping them find joy and hope in their journey toward healing and possibly subsequent pregnancy. 

Vallen's empathetic approach and wealth of expertise make her a trusted ally for those navigating the challenging terrain of pregnancy loss and early motherhood, as she strives to create a world where no parent feels alone in their grief.

Our Services

  • If you are looking for a fully comprehensive course on stillbirth and miscarriage, my course is for you! Check it out here.

  • Want a group of like-minded individuals to go through the training with? Join one of our virtual trainings!

  • If you are a doula or postpartum doula or a medical person or midwife, I can consult with you on creating a bereavement program for your practice, hospital, birth center. I can help you optimize a bereavement program you already have and want to expand or promote it. I can help you figure out your next steps as a mentor to build out a bereavement business or create your own program or course. I am good at many things- if I don’t mention something you want help with just reach out and let’s connect! I’ll help any way I can.

  • If you are looking for a speaking guest in the pregnancy loss space, pregnancy after loss, motherhood, finding purpose in loss or anything relating to loss, motherhood, womanhood, friendships, mental health, etc, let’s connect!!!!

  • If you would like me to write a blog post for your site or have something else in mind in the writing world reach out! I love sharing my knowledge, stories and expertise.

  • If you want to collaborate with me on a course, project, book, blog, podcast or anything else, I LOVE creating beautiful things. Anything in the space of Stillbirth, Motherhood, Postpartum, Pregnancy, Womanhood, Mental Health, please reach out to me and let’s see how we can create something spectacular for our audiences and moms around the world!

The Pregnancy Loss & Motherhood Podcast with your host, Vallen Webb.

I created this Podcast for moms like me. The ones who have been on our grief journey and really wanted to have the hard conversations and know someone else felt the same way. There are plenty of podcasts with stories of other moms telling their stories but where are the conversations that are hard to have? How do we talk about dead babies and how we live without them. Where can we talk about intimacy after pregnancy loss or loss of friendships after our losses.

I wanted to create a safe place where these conversations are not just needed, but NECESSARY to have.

Join us every Tuesday for new episodes on most every platform!

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! Can't wait to hear from you!